Digital Editions
Our aim with the Perseids Project is to support a wide range of publication types for texts and data, from micro-publications to full-fledged digital editions. We collaborate on our publications with students, with scholars at several institutions, and with experts across multiple disciplines.
Treebanking Collections
Treebanks are morpho-syntactic commentaries on texts, made sentence by sentence. The Perseids Platform allows students and scholars to build treebanks in an intuitive graphic interface while compiling the data in an XML document for analysis. Many of these treebanks have been gathered into collaborative and interactive publications.
J. M. Harrington Published Trees »

Birds in Ancient Mythology
This project, which is still a work in progress, invites the public to engage with the fields of classics and ornithology via a series of short films based on D'Arcy Thompson's Glossary of Greek Birds accompanied by digital content shared as Open Linked Data. The goal is that, through these products, the public will have an opportunity to explore the intersection of science and the humanities.

The Digital Milliet Project
The Recueil des textes grecs et latins relatifs à la peinture ancienne ("Collection of Greek and Latin Texts Concerning Ancient Painting") was the initiative of the 19th century French academic painter, Paul Milliet. Milliet sponsored a book that would contain all surviving texts about ancient painting and include translations and commentaries. The Digital Milliet revitalizes Milliet's sourcebook in a digital format. Our goal with the project is to make ancient Greek and Latin texts about painting accessible to specialists and the public alike.

Other Publications
Explore some of the many different publications that have been created with or with the support of The Perseids Project.